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Branch experience

Banco Promerica Costa Rica
Service Design
The Challenge

This project consist on how to improve the experience of the users at the Promerica Bank branches. The idea was optimize processes, times, brand presence, innovative and modern spaces in order to improve the user experience.

The challenge was to meet the needs of a wide variety of users, it was necessary to consider technology users, young or middle-aged who do not have enough time, they seek optimization and speed in their procedures and the provision of a co-working place where they can attend and close the deal with their clients.


On the other hand, we have elderly adults who have time and like human support to help them with their procedures.

My Role

This was my first service design project and as a UX designer I had to research, planning and development a service design methodology for the department.

I was in charge of develop together with the multidisciplinary team several tools and activities such as brainstorming, blueprint to understand and improve internal and new processes, storyboard to tell a story of new actor as a “host” and their service good practices, role plays to design space, user flows , behavioural best practices, digital tools (for example: ticket system) and specify roles of the actors.

On top of that, we tested at a real branch, got quality and quantity data, and redesigned our ideas and space. Putting all those ideas and processes together in a development plan.

The design process
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The new branch

The solution consist on:

  1. New actor “host” and a Ticket system

  2. Banking self service and Co-working space

  3. Pymes exhibition, Aromatherapy, Music and Coffee station

Due to the COVID situation, the MVP was implemented only in 70% in 5 branches.

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